Meet Desislava

Hello and welcome to my coaching online home.

I have spent the past 12 years of my professional experience – and the years prior, gaining my 3 degrees – amassing skills and a wide-range toolbox across creative, business and coaching disciplines, to help you deal with change.

Specifically, how you can use both externally-driven changes – imposed to us by circumstance, - and internally-driven changes – that we initiate ourselves to fulfill our vision, – as a tool for growth.

Meet Desislava

Hello and welcome to my coaching online home.

I have spent the past 15 years of my professional experience – and the years prior, gaining my 3 degrees – amassing skills and a unique wide-range toolbox across creative, business and coaching disciplines, to help you deal with change.

Specifically, to help you use both externally-driven (circumstancial) and internally-driven (intentional) changes as a tool for growth - so you can navigate change more skillfully and successfully.

I’m an Organisational & Relationship Systems coach (ORSC™-trained), marketeer, change manager (APMG-certified), improviser, artist and facilitator. I have led teams, been part of teams, and worked with C-level board members across all organisational levels.

I have lived in 4 different countries, from my native Bulgaria to The Netherlands, France and Germany. I’ve worked with 25+ different nationalities, in major international companies, as well as a startup, an NGO and as a freelancer.

Across all those diverse experiences, the subject of identity and change has deeply resonated with me. Our identity as people in a new and diverse cultural context, in a different professional context, as well as our identity throughout the many changes we undergo in our lives and how to evolve through those changes without losing who we are.

That’s why I love what coaching can do – it is active, not reactive; and it is meant to empower you and give YOU the tools to dig deep to your truth, to make sense of your experiences and to drive purposeful and meaningful growth towards who you want to be.

Some of the tools I use: 

·   ORSC™ methodology – Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching, ORSC is a discipline which I have found immensely helpful as it’s designed for both personal and professional environments with a myriad of tools you can learn and apply directly in your life. It is the first International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited systems coaching program in the world. 

·   Cultural models – having lived in 4 different countries and written my thesis on Cultural issues, I’m passionate about cross-cultural communication. I use various established models to support you in understanding yourself and others within a cross-cultural context.

·   Change management methodologies – my APMG-certification as Change Management Practitioner helps me understand more deeply the context of your changing business and the challenges you face.

·   Storytelling – whether it’s in marketing, writing, communication or coaching, I find that language has a huge power in how we frame, experience and process things in our lives. Finding the right words can unlock powerful insights and drive you in the right direction. 

And others… 

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